Understanding Grief


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If you need more support, we have a new model of grief support online. It meets you where you are and understands your grief is as unique as your love. There is no timeline in grief. In the Tender Hearts grief group there are guideposts along the way. Follow the weekly lessons and LIVE Heart-to-Hearts with David to help you find your own path to healing.

What people are saying...

"David is an invaluable guide and teacher, and he and his team are dedicated to creating a safe and highly informative place to learn about and deal with grief. Connecting with others through the private group has given me a sense of belonging, sanity, peace, reassurance, and love. It's a privilege to connect with everyone, and the wisdom of the course has been a beacon of light through the darkness."


"Taking this course - has been a sign of strength for me, and I'm only getting stronger. Grief had me stuck in concrete and it was hard to breathe. Do I still miss my son? More than I can ever say - but the remembering now is filled with tears of love, not the incapacitating acidic tears of pain."


"In this class you will not be judged! You'll find loving support and a willingness to walk beside you as you navigate your grief journey."


"I love that Tender Hearts gives a time and a place for my grief. There is no shame here. Only love."


"Tender Hearts has been the brightest light in the darkest year of my life."


David Kessler

David Kessler is one of the world's foremost experts on loss and is founder of Grief.com. David's new book, Finding Meaning:The Sixth Stage of Grief, is named one of the top ten books for the fall by Publisher's Weekly. His previous books have been praised by Saint (Mother) Theresa, and Elisabeth Kübler-Ross. He coauthored two books with Louise Hay and Elisabeth Kübler-Ross.

Despite having spent much of his life teaching physicians, nurses, counselors, police officers and first responders about loss, nothing could prepare him for the death of his twenty-one-year-old son in 2016, David Jr. His work continues in honor of him.


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